Spontaneous gaze interaction based on smooth pursuit eye movement using difference gaze pattern method
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Human gaze is a promising input modality for being able to be used as natural user interface in touchless technology during Covid-19 pandemic. Spontaneous gaze interaction is required to allow participants to directly interact with an application without any prior eye tracking calibration. Smooth pursuit eye movement is commonly used in this kind of spontaneous gaze-based interaction. Many studies have been focused on various object selection techniques in smooth pursuit-based gaze interaction; however, challenges in spatial accuracy and implementation complexity have not been resolved yet. To address these problems, we then proposed an approach using difference patterns between gaze and dynamic objects' trajectories for object selection named Difference Gaze Pattern method (DGP). Based on the experimental results, our proposed method yielded the best object selection accuracy of and success time of ms. The experimental results also showed the robustness of object selection using difference patterns to spatial accuracy and it was relatively simpler to be implemented. The results also suggested that our proposed method can contribute to spontaneous gaze interaction.
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