Cigarette filter butts-derived activated carbon with free binder electrode design for solid-state supercapacitor application From hazardous waste to solid-state supercapacitor
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The aim of this research is to formulate activated carbon monolith from hazardous waste of cigarette filter butts (CFB) for electrode material monolith design in solid-state supercapacitor application. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) was selected for activation. The ratio of CFB to KOH varied in terms of weight between 1:2 and 1:4, thereby obtaining activated cigarette filter carbon (ACFC). The carbon that has been obtained is designed to be solidly in the form of an additive-free monolith. Monolith-activated carbon is physically characterized to examine thermal decomposition profiles (pre-carbonized), structure, composition, morphology, surface area adsorption, and electrochemical measurements. The optimum precursor was marked with high wettability with self-O-doped of carbon content of 94.56%. Activated carbon electrodes prepared from ACFCs showed an optimum specific capacitance of ~87.17 F g-1, which is a more ecologically responsible method of producing supercapacitors.
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