A systematic review of breast cancer detection on thermal images

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Aqil Aqthobirrobbany
Dian Nova Kusuma Hardani
Indah Soesanti
Hanung Adi Nugroho


Breast cancer poses a substantial global health concern, primarily regarding its impact on women. Thermal imaging has emerged as a promising tool for early detection with notable technological advancements between 2013 and 2023 in enhancing diagnostic capabilities. However, existing literature reviews often lack adherence to specific scholarly standards and may provide incomplete insights into research trends. This systematic literature review (SLR) addresses these issues by comprehensively analyzing research trends, publication types, contributions, datasets, methodologies, and effective approaches for breast cancer detection using thermal imaging. The review encompasses an examination of 40 articles from reputable digital libraries, revealing a predominant emphasis on deep learning algorithms among 25 applied methods. These algorithms consistently achieve commendable performance, frequently surpassing 90% accuracy rates. Consequently, current research in breast cancer detection via thermal imaging is marked by a strong focus on artificial intelligence, particularly machine and deep learning, recognized as the most promising and effective avenues for investigation.


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How to Cite
Aqil Aqthobirrobbany, Dian Nova Kusuma Hardani, Indah Soesanti, & Adi Nugroho, H. (2023). A systematic review of breast cancer detection on thermal images. Communications in Science and Technology, 8(2), 216-225. https://doi.org/10.21924/cst.8.2.2023.1270
Author Biography

Hanung Adi Nugroho, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadja Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology


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