Improving the activity of CO2 capturing from flue gas by membrane gas – solvent absorption process
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This work is focused on increasing the capturing efficiency of carbon dioxide (CO2) through flue gas purification systems. To maximize the CO2 capture process, many process variables such as temperature, flow rates, absorbent concentrations, and nanoparticles were investigated. This study describes the use of a polypropylene hollow fiber membrane contactor to separate CO2 from nitrogen using different solvents, including Potassium carbonate (K2CO3), N-methyl diethanolamine (MDEA), and monoethanolamine (MEA). Also, the presence of silica nanoparticles and piperazine (PZ) enhances the process performance. On the other hand, the amine and mixed amino absorbents MDEA-PZ and MDEA-MEA were prepared and compared based on the absorption capacity. The optimal order of amine absorbent performance when applied to CO2 membrane absorption is MDEA-MEA followed by MDEA-PZ. At a solute concentration of 9%, MDEA-MEA exhibits the highest CO2 removal efficiency, which is 74.12%. However, at a concentration of 11%, MEA, MDEA-PZ, and MDEA have the highest CO2 removal efficiencies of 80.15%, 75.13%, and 63.12%, respectively.
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