Characterization of students formal-proof construction in mathematics learning
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Formal proof is a deductive process beginning from some explicitly quantified definitions and other mathematical properties to get a conclusion. Characteristics of student formal-proof construction are required to identify the appropriate treatment can be determined. The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the construction of formal-proof based overview of the proof structure and conceptual understanding that the student possessed. The data used in this article were obtained from the 3-step processes: students are asked to write down the proof of proving-question, they are asked about the knowledge required in constructing proof using questionnaire, and then they are interviewed. The results showed that formal-proof construction could be modeled by the Quadrant-Model. First Quadrant describes correct construction of formal-proof, Second Quadrant describes insufficiencies concept in construction formal-proof, Third Quadrant indicates insufficiencies concept and proof-structure in construction formal-proof and Fourth Quadrant describes incorrect proof-structure in construction of formal-proof. This model could give consideration on how to help students who are in Quadrant II, III, and IV to be able to construct a formal proof like Quadrant I.
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