Internal content classification of ultrasound thyroid nodules based on textural features
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Ultrasound (US) is one of the best imaging modalities on thyroid identification. The suspicious thyroid is indicated in the existence of palpable nodules whose solid or cystic composition. Solid nodules have high possibility to be malignant than cystic. An effort to detect and classify the internal content of thyroid nodule has become challenge problem in radiology area. Operator dependence of ultrasound imaging makes it complicated due to missing interpretation among radiologists. Objective Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) was designed to solve it which works on texture analysis of histogram statistic, gray level co-occurrence matrice (GLCM) and gray level run length matrices (GLRLM). The fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is not needed because the textural pattern is significantly different between solid and cystic nodules. Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) was adopted to do classification process for 72 US thyroid images yield an accuracy of 90.28%, the sensitivity of 87.80%, specificity of 93.55% and precision of 94.74%.
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