Al-Quran recitation verification for memorization test using Siamese LSTM network

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Rian Adam Rajagede
Rochana Prih Hastuti


In the process of verifying Al-Quran memorization, a person is usually asked to recite a verse without looking at the text. This process is generally done together with a partner to verify the reading. This paper proposes a model using Siamese LSTM Network to help users check their Al-Quran memorization alone. Siamese LSTM network will verify the recitation by matching the input with existing data for a read verse. This study evaluates two Siamese LSTM architectures, the Manhattan LSTM and the Siamese-Classifier. The Manhattan LSTM outputs a single numerical value that represents the similarity, while the Siamese-Classifier uses a binary classification approach. In this study, we compare Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC), Mel-Frequency Spectral Coefficient (MFSC), and delta features against model performance. We use the public dataset from Every Ayah website and provide the usage information for future comparison. Our best model, using MFCC with delta and Manhattan LSTM, produces an F1-score of 77.35%


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How to Cite
Rajagede, R. A., & Hastuti, R. P. (2021). Al-Quran recitation verification for memorization test using Siamese LSTM network. Communications in Science and Technology, 6(1), 35-40.


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